viernes, 30 de noviembre de 2012

Me in the school while my friends were in a trip

  • What did you do on the trip week? What is fun/interesting/educational?

While my friends were enjoying their trip, I stayed in the school. Here the people that stayed were also doing some mini trips. We went to Cardal, Real Felipe Fortress and pantanos de Villa. The trips were very funny  and  interesting because I was with  some friends and we made a lot of jokes…also this trips were very interesting  because  I learned new things about the old Peru and also about  the different  types  of animals and plants that we  can find in lima .The best part of these trips was when my friends and I did a 7km walk, because in this walk we had fun joking and watching the beautiful scenery that has Pachacamac, also a very funniest part was when Valeria and I  were talking with Professor Felipe and suddenly Lyan came   and scared us. We got a little scared but Mr. Felipe was in that moment very scared and that was very funny. Valeria and I could not stop laughing for a long time, because the reaction of the teacher seemed very funny to us.

  • What was something you would change?

It would be when I was in Cardal (in the walking) and I forgot to bring my bottle of water. Although not towards heat, at a time when I had very thirsty, I was lucky that the miss had brought one bottle of water and invited me a little.

  • What did you learn?

In this minis trips I had learned very interesting things of the old history of Peru (a little more about the Incas and Spanish) also I discover that I like walking’s =)

  • Would you like to do the same next year, or something similar/ different?

Next year I definitely  going to ride along with my friends, I think that I would love to go to a place where can learn many new things and at the same time I can have fun.

jueves, 25 de octubre de 2012

What have you learned this year about yourself or life in general, that you want to make sure you remember in 5 years? 
 In the school I have learned that you can achieve all that you set out.talking about my life I ‘ve learned that the people change sometimes for better and sometimes for worse.
I wanna make sure that in 5 years I going to remember  all the good experiences that I’ve in my childhood.
How did you learn this?
I learned this because I saw my brother change for better but also i saw a girl change for worse( that in the past was my freind).I think that the people change because we grow and when  we grow we think in differents ways.

jueves, 13 de septiembre de 2012

Song Title:  Spectrum (say my name)_______________________________
Artist:          ____Florence + the machine__________________________________
Directions:  As you closely watch the music video, answer the following questions with
as much detail as possible.
1.  What are the men/women doing?  (Dancing, sitting, swimming, etc.)

  • the woman is  dancing in some strange way or maybe she's  acting.

2.  How are the men/women dressed?  How much skin is revealed?

  • she is wearing a dress with  gold and silver colours.She don't revealed much skin.

3. Are there more, fewer, or the same number of men as women?

  • Mm I think that in the video you can see  more of men but the difference with the quantity of women isn't really big.  . they are using ballet clothes.

4.  Describe the body language of the men/women:  are they sitting, standing, gyrating,
mugging, etc.?

  • Florence is shouting.she use a lot her arms i think that she's trying to put more feeling in the song(express  her self).
5.  Do the men/women have power?  How do you know?

  • yes,she's  like a egipcian god (she have gold clothes).I think I know this because of the tittle. 

6. What’s the message of the song?

  • in this video we can see Florence acting like a godness because she's in the middle all the time and because when she said "Spectrum" she's calling to someone a"ghost".I think that this video  is a bit dramatic because she said " we will never be afraid again"

7.  What type of music is the song

  • This is a remix.A little of pop 

jueves, 23 de agosto de 2012

I think the people of Cajamarca are every right to want to protect the lake Conga, but they has to  react  peacefully and non-violently as currently being done.

The Peruvian government has to understand that "cajacamarquinos"(people of cajamarca) want to protect something that is very important for them. That lake give them food!.The state must act honestly and tell these people the good and bad things of this project.

lunes, 20 de agosto de 2012

It’s like a book. Just because you’re mad and stop reading, doesn’t change the way it ends.